
This article describes how cloud applications are negotiated, deployed, monitored, evaluated and terminated through the service level agreements (SLA). The service definition & their objectives, performance measures, pricing, roles of the involved parties are stated as part of the SLA. Searching for SLA templates from the provider's place is considered as a cumbersome process for the consumer. Also, it is not guaranteed that retrieved SLAs always match with the consumer requirements. Hence, semantic search engine platforms for cloud SLA using a novel architecture are introduced here. SLA agreements are crawled from the web and annotation is performed in the agreement terms using SLA ontologies to fasten and improve the accuracy of the search process. In the proposed architecture, 3 ontologies are developed for SaaS, PaaS and IaaS as well as 140 SLA documents are gathered. Results revealed that the search efficacy is almost 90% in finding the desired SLA for the consumer to ease negotiation. Moreover, the performance is compared with similar search engine GoNTogle, and it was observed that proposed model produced good results.

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