
We have explored the synaptic and cellular mechanisms by which a single primary mechanosensory neuron, the anterior gastric receptor (AGR), reconfigures motor output of the gastric mill central pattern generator (CPG) in the stomatogastric nervous system (STNS) of the lobster Homarus gammarus. AGR is activated in vivo by contraction of the medial tooth protractor muscle gm1 and accesses the gastric CPG via excitation of two in-parallel interneurons, the excitatory commissural gastric (CG) and the inhibitory gastric inhibitor (GI). In the spontaneously active STNS in vitro, weak firing of AGR in time with gastric mill motoneurons (GM) reinforces an ongoing type I gastric mill rhythm in which all gastric teeth power-stroke motoneurons are synchronously active. With strong AGR firing, these phase relationships switch abruptly to a type II pattern in which lateral and medial teeth power-stroke motoneurons fire in antiphase. Our results suggest that these bimodal actions on the gastric mill rhythm depend on the balance of firing of the CG and GI interneurons and that selection of the pathway resides in their different postsynaptic sensitivities to AGR. Whereas high intrinsic firing rates of the CG neuron ensure that the excitatory pathway predominates during low levels of sensory input, strong synaptic facilitation in the GI neuron favors the inhibitory pathway during high levels of receptor activity. Feedback from a single mechanosensory neuron is thus able, in an activity-dependent manner, to specify different motor programs from a single central pattern-generating network.

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