
Investigations into plant–herbivore interactions are of importance for understanding grassland ecosystem dynamics. Our research quantified the effects of vegetation heterogeneity at a patch scale of 30 m on bison space use in a tallgrass prairie through the analyses of the resource utilization function. In addition, we assessed the vegetation heterogeneity associated with bison locations by comparing the patch-scale vegetation characteristics between areas with high and low bison space use through Mann–Whitney U tests. Furthermore, we simulated the interactions between bison and vegetation patches (2 × 2 m) during the early growing season for the lowland topographic positions using agent-based modeling (ABM) as a preliminary study of linking bison foraging site selection with vegetation responses to bison grazing dynamically. The bison grazing strategy in the ABM of the grassland system was adjusted to ensure consistency in the vegetation pattern variations related to bison space use between the simulation and the empirical on-the-ground observations. The results indicated the following: (1) The effects of the patch-scale vegetation heterogeneity on the bison foraging site selection varied across the seasons, which were most evident in the middle of the growing season. (2) A relatively high level of bison space use generally resulted in diverse grassland canopies with high variability and interspersion. (3) From the ABM of the grassland system, it can be implied that bison select patches with high quality and quantity at the beginning of the growing season; as the vegetation quality and quantity improve overall, the bison graze randomly. This pattern was confirmed by observations of the bison foraging site selection in our study site. The ABM proved to be valuable in exploring and elucidating the underlying mechanisms of the grassland dynamics with a native North American grazer.

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