
Dynamic parameterized states tracking workflowsystem is a workflow solution which aims to decouple businesslogic and application code in order to minimize rigid or spaghetticode in any kind of workflow system. This approach, allowsprogrammer to focus on the development of the application itself,and let the business process owner to deal with the applicationdata, business rules and logic. Business process owner can setup,configure and deploy workflow process independently withoutchanging the workflow engine application code. This workflowengine is featured with dynamic functions calling, task agingchecking and reminder sending. These specific features allowprocess owner to customize their flows seamlessly with theirbusiness requirement using this workflow engine. The proposedworkflow solution can be library package or Service OrientedArchitecture (SOA) based, and can further configure to bemultitenant workflow solution. In this paper, the design ofproposed workflow solution is discussed. Actual live systems,Intellectual Property Management System (IPMS) and HumanResource Information System (HRIS) which have already usingthe proposed workflow solution are also showcased in this paper.

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