
Purpose: determination of organized motion functioning on functional indicators and somatic health of 1 st-2 nd year students, who have harmful habits. Material: In experiment 286 students participated. Pedagogic experiment was conducted in form of optional classes (3 times a week) during 9 academic months. Results: we determined percentage of smoking students and their motivation to certain kinds of sports. Considering students’ motivation appropriate trainings were organized. Results of functional state indicators and somatic health level of smoking students, practicing and not practicing organized motion functioning have been presented. Conclusions: it was found that students are attracted by specific kinds of motor functioning. Among offered kinds of sports outdoor games, athletic gymnastic were preferred. The least attractive kinds were: bicycle sport, non- traditional kinds, gymnastic, chess.


  • Purpose: determination of organized motion functioning on functional indicators and somatic health of 1st-2nd year students, who have harmful habits

  • Results of the research Results of pedagogic observation and questioning witness that 1st and 2nd year students are attracted by certain kinds of motor functioning

  • For correction of functional state and physical condition indicators of students we offered the following means of motor functioning:

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Purpose: determination of organized motion functioning on functional indicators and somatic health of 1st-2nd year students, who have harmful habits. As on to day in students’ environment there exists clear trend to expansion of harmful habits: smoking, taking alcohol, drugs and toxic substances. It results in worsening of students’ health [5, 6, 8, 13]. By the present time the problem of application of smoking preventive measures among students with the help of specially organized motor functioning in conditions of higher educational establishment has not been studied yet [10, 14, 16-18]. In this connection the offered subject of the research is rather urgent. To day the trends of tobacco, alcohol and drug addictions acquire epidemic scale, which takes thousands of lives

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