
The Dynamic Interchange Adjustment (DINA) algorithm and software is designed to provide a look-ahead probabilistic estimation of the secure range for intra-day and intra-hour net interchange adjustments of a balancing authority (BA) within the next dispatch interval. The DINA tool considers all contributing factors, such as expected changes to system load and interchange, spinning reserve requirements, and system ramping capability, as well as relevant uncertainties impacting this estimation, including interchange variations and uncertainties in generation dispatch. Dynamic adjustment of the intertie flows is a significant resource for exchanging energy, capacity and flexibility between BAs and markets. Our cost/benefit analysis illustrates the performance of DINA using an example of Independent System Operator (ISO) New England (ISO-NE) and New York ISO (NY ISO). We compare the DINA results against static/deterministic rules. Our results indicate a significant economic benefit and demonstrate the potential for trading near-real-time energy and capacity between different markets.

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