
The Derviche Tourneur Sodium experiment, a spherical Couette magnetohydrodynamics experiment with liquid sodium as the medium and a dipole magnetic field imposed from the inner sphere, recently underwent upgrades to its diagnostics to better characterize the flow and induced magnetic fields with global rotation. In tandem with the upgrades, a set of direct numerical simulations were run with the xshells code to give a more complete view of the fluid and magnetic dynamics at various rotation rates of the inner and outer spheres. These simulations reveal several dynamic regimes, determined by the Rossby number. At positive differential rotation there is a regime of quasigeostrophic flow, with low levels of fluctuations near the outer sphere. Negative differential rotation shows a regime of what appear to be saturated hydrodynamic instabilities at low negative differential rotation, followed by a regime where filamentary structures develop at low latitudes and persist over five to ten differential rotation periods as they drift poleward. We emphasize that all these coherent structures emerge from turbulent flows. At least some of them seem to be related to linear instabilities of the mean flow. The simulated flows can produce the same measurements as those that the physical experiment can take, with signatures akin to those found in the experiment. This paper discusses the relation between the internal velocity structures of the flow and their magnetic signatures at the surface.

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