
In this paper, the dynamic characteristics and vibration control of a rotating cantileverplate with fully covered active constrained layer damping (ACLD) treatmentsare investigated. The cantilever plate is rotating at different constant angularvelocities about its normal to the horizontal plane. The model is based on theKirchhoff classical laminated theory. The second kind of Lagrange formulation inconjunction with the finite element method (FEM) is developed to derive the governingequations of motion. Then the effects of different rotating angular velocities on modalcharacteristics of regular, passive constrained layer damping (PCLD) and ACLDtreated-plate systems are investigated. In particular, frequency loci veering and crossingphenomena are exhibited and discussed in this work. Furthermore, the numericalsimulation results of transient responses of regular, piezo-treated, PCLD and ACLDtreated non-rotating and rotating plates in time domain are presented, respectively.Comparison of the performance of piezo, PCLD and ACLD treatments clearlydemonstrate the merits of using ACLD as an effective means for suppressing thevibration of rotating cantilever plates. The results of this work are useful forsystem identification and vibration suppression of rotating flexible structures.

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