
Soil phosphorus accumulation resulting in a high risk of phosphorus pollution is due to high multiple vegetable cropping indexes and excessive fertilizer input in protected fields. Therefore, this study explored the bioavailability of soil-accumulated phosphorus to improve fertilization and reduce the risk of soil phosphorus contamination in protected fields. A field trial was performed in Yanbian Prefecture, China to study the phosphorus bioavailability after continuous spinach planting without phosphate fertilizer applications. Results indicated that with increasing numbers of planting stubbles, soil inorganic phosphorus and occluded phosphorus changed little, while water-soluble and loose phosphorus, aluminum-phosphate, iron-phosphate, and calcium-phosphorus decreased first and then increased. Soil available phosphorus declined linearly. For planting spinach in protected fields, the threshold of soil phosphorus deficiency is 200 mg kg−1. A soil phosphorus supply potential model was established between x (the soil available phosphorus) and y (the numbers of planting stubbles): y = 6.759 + 0.027x, R = 0.99, which can be used to predict how planting stubbles are needed to raise the soil available phosphorus above the critical value of phosphorus deficiency for spinach. These results will provide the theoretical guidance for rational phosphorus fertilizer applications and control agricultural, non-point pollution sources in protected fields.

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