
Replicative errors contribute to the genetic diversity needed for evolution but in high frequency can lead to genomic instability. Here, we show that DNA dynamics determine the frequency of misincorporating the A•G mismatch, and altered dynamics explain the high frequency of 8-oxoguanine (8OG) A•8OG misincorporation. NMR measurements revealed that Aanti•Ganti (population (pop.) of >91%) transiently forms sparsely populated and short-lived Aanti+•Gsyn (pop. of ~2% and kex = kforward + kreverse of ~137 s-1) and Asyn•Ganti (pop. of ~6% and kex of ~2,200 s-1) Hoogsteen conformations. 8OG redistributed the ensemble, rendering Aanti•8OGsyn the dominant state. A kinetic model in which Aanti+•Gsyn is misincorporated quantitatively predicted the dA•dGTP misincorporation kinetics by human polymerase β, the pH dependence of misincorporation and the impact of the 8OG lesion. Thus, 8OG increases replicative errors relative to G because oxidation of guanine redistributes the ensemble in favor of the mutagenic Aanti•8OGsyn Hoogsteen state, which exists transiently and in low abundance in the A•G mismatch.

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