
Background and purpose: -For human gait regulation and balance stability, a complicated integration of visual-vestibular and somatosensory information is necessary. The ability of the organism to maintain the center of mass balance by resisting the continual destabilizing forces that confront it may be impaired by this function of any of these components. The primary objective of the current study was to check weather wearing power glasses can affect the dynamic balance or not. Subject and Method: - An observational study was done by including 30 subjects from Delhi-NCR. The sample was drawn using the Stratified Random Sampling technique. All individuals recruited for the research are people who wear Power glasses in their daily activities and have vision problems. The individuals were asked to complete Modified Bass Test. The subjects were asked to remove the power glasses and perform the Modified bass Test. Results: - As the subjects performed the Modified Bass test of Dynamic Balance Scoring, 46.7 percent passed the test due to their balance remaining stable and 53.3 percent failed due to a lack of stability in their dynamic balance.

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