
Abstract Dynamic and thermodynamic factors involved in future changes in local-scale short-term extreme summertime precipitation on the mesoscale and hourly time scale in Japan were examined using convection-permitting regional climate model simulations under the representative concentration pathway 8.5 scenario. The change in the dynamic component primarily contributes to the total change in vertically integrated moisture flux convergence over the analysis domain that is located off Okinawa Island, whereas the thermodynamic component is dominant over the analysis domain that is located off Kyushu Island. Differences in the amount of the dynamic and thermodynamic components are noticeable in these two domains. These results are explained by the difference in the vertical profiles of the convergence term, and hence the convergence itself between the two specific domains. A mesoscale low pressure system on the seasonal rain front—termed the baiu front—is a key factor underlying the difference in the magnitudes and vertical profiles of convergence between the two specific domains. In the vicinity of the domain off Okinawa Island, a mesoscale low pressure system on the baiu front enhances low-level convergence in the future climate when compared with the present climate. This atmospheric state is attributable to the location of the baiu front itself, which is located relatively southward in the future climate and is affected by the domain off Okinawa Island. In the domain where the dynamic component is dominant such as the domain off Okinawa Island, the total moisture flux convergence follows a super–Clausius–Clapeyron scaling.

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