
Existing routing services calculate the best route from source to destination over a road network graph. Most commercial routing services offer the best route in terms of either the shortest travel distance or the shortest travel time (with or without considering current traffic conditions). While travel distance and travel time are crucial route preferences for the commuter, other preferences are equally, or even more, important. Examples of other route preferences include fuel consumption, gas emissions, road safety, points of interest along the route, construction activities, open shops and restaurants. While some route preferences are static (e.g., travel distance and points of interests), other route preferences are dynamic and vary according to the time of the day (e.g., traffic-dependent travel time and the number of open shops/restaurants). Volunteered Geographic information (VGI) has been proposed as an approach to collect massive amounts of route information and, more specifically, the time varying parameters. This demo presents PreGo, a time-dependent multi-preference routing engine. During the demo, audience would interact with the PreGo routing engine to (1) find the optimal route w.r.t. The user's personal preferences for a given start time, (2) dynamically obtain the best start time for a trip given a set of preferences, (3) feed the system with VGI and examine their effect on the chosen route at real time, and (4) examine the correctness and efficiency of the PreGo selected routes compared to routes chosen by other commercial systems.

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