
Data warehouse is the most important asset of an organization as it contains highly valuable and sensitive information that is useful in decision-making process. The data warehouse provides easy access to organizational data as it contains data from different sources. Thus, it is essential to structure security measures for the protection of data that resides in data warehouse against malicious attackers to ensure proper security and confidentiality. Security should be considered vital from initial stages of designing data warehouse and hence should be deployed. Though a lot of work is being done towards the improvement and development of data warehouse till now but very less attention is given on the implementation of the security approaches in data warehouse. This paper focuses on improving the level of security by combining One-Time Pad (OTP) encryption technique with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to encrypt the data before loading it into data warehouse. Finally, the proposal of the model is to incorporate OTP encryption technique in the architecture of data warehouse for enhancing its security.

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