
We develop an analytical method to prove congruences of the type∑k=0(pr−1)/dAkzk≡ω(z)∑k=0(pr−1−1)/dAkzpk(modpmrZp[[z]])forr=1,2,…, for primes p>2 and fixed integers m,d⩾1, where f(z)=∑k=0∞Akzk is an ‘arithmetic’ hypergeometric series. Such congruences for m=d=1 were introduced by Dwork in 1969 as a tool for p-adic analytical continuation of f(z). Our proofs of several Dwork-type congruences corresponding to m⩾2 (in other words, supercongruences) are based on constructing and proving their suitable q-analogues, which in turn have their own right for existence and potential for a q-deformation of modular forms and of cohomology groups of algebraic varieties. Our method follows the principles of creative microscoping introduced by us to tackle r=1 instances of such congruences; it is the first method capable of establishing the supercongruences of this type for general r.


  • Extending his work on the rationality of the zeta function of an algebraic variety defined over a finite field, Dwork [2] considered a question of continuing analytical solutions f (z) =of linear differential verify that the truncated sums fr(z) =equations pr −1 k=0Ak p-adically. zk, whereA general strategy was to r = 0, 1, 2, . . . , satisfy the so-called Dwork congruences [33]fr+1(z) fr (z p ) ≡ fr (z ) fr−1(zp)for r = 1, 2, . . . (1.1)

  • The principal goal of this paper is to extend the approach of [17] and establish general techniques for proving Dwork-type supercongruences using the method of creative microscoping, which we initiated in [23] for proving r = 1 instances of such supercongruences

  • (1.7) are congruent to 0 modulo [nr], while letting q → qn and n → nr−1 in the above congruences, we see that the right-hand sides of them are congruent to 0 modulo

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Notice that the argument extends to the cases when f1(zp) ≡ 0 (mod pZp[[z]]) but f1(zp) ≡ 0 (mod pmZp[[z]]) for some m 2, provided the congruences (1.1) hold modulo a higher power of p, for example, fr+1(z) fr (z p ) It is this type of congruences that we refer to as Dwork-type supercongruences; other truncations of the initial power series are possible as well, usually of the type fr(z) =. The principal goal of this paper is to extend the approach of [17] and establish general techniques for proving Dwork-type supercongruences using the method of creative microscoping, which we initiated in [23] for proving r = 1 instances of such supercongruences.

Proof of the principal theorems
More Dwork-type q-congruences
Another ‘divergent’ Dwork-type supercongruence
Two supercongruences of Swisher
Another two supercongruences from Swisher’s list
Generalizations of Swisher-type supercongruences
Generalizations of Rodriguez-Villegas’ supercongruences
Open problems
Dwork-type q-congruences
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