
Household energy consumption is influenced by a variety of factors, including climate, demographics, and socio-economic conditions. This study is a review based on clustering analysis of data from the 2019 Household Budget Survey in Turkey, and explores the role of dwelling structure, household habits, and possessions as indicators of energy patterns and preferences within distinct household groups contributing to Sustainable Development Goals 1, 7, and 12. The data analysis identifies three distinct clusters with specific features that set them apart. The Urban Majority cluster represents densely populated urban areas where natural gas is a preferred fuel source, and parquet and ceramic tiles are common flooring materials. The Deprived-like Remote Residents cluster portrays areas with less access to natural gas, where wood and coal are frequently used for heating, and the Urban Comfort-Seekers cluster highlights urban areas with high comfort levels, featuring natural gas, floor heating, and various amenities. These clusters reflect energy consumption patterns and social aspects related to poverty and habits. They indicate that Turkey’s energy preferences are closely linked to accessibility, user-friendliness, and affordability. Urban households prioritize comfort, while rural areas are more resource-constrained, and contextual factors like location and possessions play a vital role in energy preferences.

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