
U radu su kataloški obrađena dva skupna nalaza kasnoantičkog novca iz okolice Zadra. Prvi nalaz je 9 komada novca nađenih u amfori u podmorju blizu otoka Oliba 1962. godine, a datiranih od Tacita pa do Konstancija I. Drugi je ostava od 27 komada novca iz perioda vladavine Konstantina I. i njegovih sinova bez podrobnijeg konteksta nalaza, pronađena 1963. godine na položaju „Travnjaci“ u Radovinu. Prvi i drugi skupni nalazi međusobno su slični jer sadrže novac iz vrlo uskoga vremenskog okvira. Radovinska ostava sadrži i dva neuobičajena komada Konstantinova novca kovanog u Ticinu, od kojih jedan ima iregularan revers, a drugi na aversu na portretu iznad lovorovog vijenca ima naknadno utisnut znak. Terminus ante quem za skupni nalaz kraj Oliba je 296. godina, a za onaj iz Radovina nešto iza rujna 326. godine.


  • Two hoards of Late Antiquity coins from Zadar’s surroundings are catalogued in this paper

  • The second hoard is made up of 27 coins from the period of Constantine I and his sons; it was found at the “Travnjaci” site in Radovin in 1963, but the detailed context of the find is not known.[1]

  • The Radovin hoard includes two unusual Constantine coins minted in Ticino, one of which has an irregular reverse and the other has a subsequently imprinted mark above the laureate portrait

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The oldest Constantine’s coin is the centenionalis minted in Ticino around 318 – 319 AD On the reverse it depicts two Victories holding a shield inscribed with VOT/XX. Ten centenionalis with VOT/XX on the reverse and with the inscription DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG were minted in Constantine’s name Series of these coins were put into circulation between 320 and 325 AD. Of all the coins in this hoard that were minted for Crispus, 6 are from Siscia, 1 from Ticino and 1 from Arelate. Nakon Siscije po brojnosti nalaza slijedi novac porijeklom iz Ticina sa šest komada novca kovanog u četiri radionice te Arelate s dvije kovanice iz dvije radionice. The share of the coins from Eastern mints in the northern Dalmatian pattern for the period is 31.5% and in the Radovin hoard pattern it is 0.5%.10 To all appearances, the structure of coins in this hoard does not reflect the one typical for northern Dalmatia at the end of the first decade of the 4th century

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