
1.Introduction 2. Selected structural properties of Dutch 2.1 Grammatical gender 2.2 Gender-specific vs. gender-indefinite personal nouns 2.3 The morphology of personal nouns 2.3.1 Derivation 2.3.2 Compounding 3. Gender-biased usage: Variation and tendencies of change 3.1 Historical background 3.2 Generic masculine nouns and pronominalisation 3.2.1 Problems in traditional usage 3.2.2 Tendencies of variation and change 3.3 Terms of address and family names 3.3.1 Terms of address 3.3.2 Family names 3.4 Idiomatic expressions and stereotypical descriptions of women and men 3.5 Occupational terms: A case of Dutch language politics 3.5.1 Problems in traditional usage 3.5.2 The recommendations and the public debate 3.5.3 The manual for professional terms of the Dutch Language Union (2000) 4. The use of occupational titles in advertising: An empirical study 5. Conclusion Notes References

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