
Pope Francis often appeals to priests to follow the primacy of mercy in their lives and ministry. Since the Council of Jerusalem, the Church has followed the path of mercy. This issue was regularly brought up by the Pope in the Year of Mercy and is still raised today, even though less frequently. Pope Francis addresses the message of mercy also to priests. An analysis of his speeches shows that they aim not only at showing appreciation of charity in ministry but also at pointing towards a new style of ministry. The style entails accepting the primacy of mercy in priests’ lives and service. According to Pope Francis, being merciful is not a way of life but the only way of life. There is no other way to be a priest. The author of this paper offers an analysis of Pope Francis’ teaching, addressing the following issues: what is a mercy-driven style of ministry, what are its theological foundations and in what way should priests, servants of mercy, fulfill their ministry mission? The article is a review of Pope Francis’ teaching.

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