
We compare three 3CR samples of 11 FR 1 galaxies, 17 FR 2 galaxies and 18 lobe-dominated quasars contained in the ISO Data Archive. In contrast to the powerful FR 2 galaxies with edge-brightened lobes, the low radio power FR 1 galaxies in our sample do not exhibit any high MIR or FIR dust luminosity, which is typical for a buried, intrinsically more luminous AGN. This consolidates the fact already inferred from optical studies that their AGNs have only a relatively low luminosity. Also the FR 1 galaxies show a high FIR/MIR luminosity ratio, compared to quasars, suggesting that their FIR luminosity is substantially powered by the interstellar radiation field (ISRF) of the giant elliptical hosts. Finally, we discuss the FR 1 – FR 2 morphological dichotomy. FR 1 galaxies do not have more interstellar matter (ISM) than FR 2s as traced – on the large scale – by the cool FIR emitting dust and – in the nuclear region – by the warm MIR emitting dust. Due to the lack of central gas we suggest that the black holes of our FR 1 galaxies are fed at a lower accretion rate than those of the FR 2 galaxies.

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