
ABSTRACT Supernovae (SNe) explosions are thought to be an important source of dust in galaxies. At the same time strong shocks from SNe are known as an efficient mechanism of dust destruction via thermal and kinetic sputtering. A critically important question of how these two hypotheses of SNe activity control the dust budget in galaxies is still not quite clearly understood. In this paper, we address this question within 3D multifluid hydrodynamical simulations, treating separately the SNe injected dust and the dust pre-existed in ambient interstellar gas. We focus primarily on how the injected and the pre-existing dust is destroyed by shock waves and hot gas in the SN bubble depending on the density of ambient gas. Within our model, we estimate an upper limit of the SN-produced dust mass which can be supplied into interstellar medium. For an SN progenitor mass of 30 M⊙ and the ejected dust mass Md = 1 M⊙, we constrain the dust mass that can be delivered into the ISM as ≥0.13 M⊙, provided that the SN has injected large dust particles with a ≥ 0.1 µm.

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