
Rapid retreat and darkening of most glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) are enhanced by the deposition of light-absorbing particles (LAPs). Here, we provided new knowledge on the estimation of albedo reduction caused by black carbon (BC), water-insoluble organic carbon (WIOC), and mineral dust (MD), based on a comprehensive study of snowpit samples from ten glaciers across the TP collected in the spring of 2020. According to the albedo reductions caused by the three LAPs, the TP was divided into three sub-regions: the eastern and northern margins, Himalayas and southeastern TP, and western to inner TP. Our findings indicated that MD had a dominant role in causing snow albedo reductions across the western to inner TP, with comparable effects to WIOC but stronger effects than BC in the Himalayas and southeastern TP. BC played a more important role in the eastern and northern margins of the TP. In conclusion, the findings of this study emphasize not only the important role of MD in glacier darkening across majority of the TP but also the influence of the WIOC in enhancing glacier melting which indicates the dominant contribution of non-BC components in the LAP-related glacier melting of the TP.

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