
The high spatial resolution possible in studies of Local Group galaxies makes them especially valuable sources of information about the details of the dust and gas content and distribution for galaxies of different Hubble types and absolute magnitudes. Even many of the Local Group elliptical galaxies have detectable gas, measured at 21 cm, and dust, measured both optically and at mm wavelengths. The spirals are now being mapped at high radio resolution with the VLA, at shorter resolution with mm arrays, and at high optical resolution with HST. Irregular galaxies, from the LMC down to extreme dwarfs such as LGS 3, have high-resolution maps of interstellar matter. There is a correlation between the gas to dust ratio and a galaxy’s elemental abundances.KeywordsStar FormationLocal GroupDust CloudDwarf GalaxyElliptical GalaxyThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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