
Food is something that is indispensable and poisoning related to food is something that is hard to control. In this Era of fast-moving world What we all lack is to take the correct decision to the choice of food and the lifestyle that we opt. Poisoning is a major health concern that is becoming more common day by day. PCOS and infertility are one among the headlines that one gets to hear in his Era. Poisoning can be linked nowadays in a variety of areas, including junk food with chemical preservatives, various sorts of necessary products like wheat and rice, and pesticide- layered veggies. Women having various delicacies being served in the platter at a restaurant with non-veg particularly white meat can contribute to various kinds of hormonal and reproductive disorders. The chicken specifically that we eat Can have various injected hormones to gain the weight and for it to look most attractive to u but what now seems to be attractive may later gift u a disastrous future. Poultry is one such thing whose demand has increased more than ever. And with increased demand comes greediness of the poultry persons to adulterate and add to the bulk to the chicken by making them bulky as ever. With women consuming these delicacies, over the years have also caused an increase in the cases of PCOS and other reproductive diseases In Ayurvedic texts Acharya Vagbhata and Shushruta define Dushi Visha as any kind of poison that originates from inanimate (Sthavara) or animate (Jangama) sources or any artificial poison (Kritrima Visha) retained in the body after partial expulsion or detoxification, by the Visha Hara drugs, forest fire, the wind or the sun is termed as (Dushi Visha) there are several sources of obtaining of toxins. Such toxins are accumulated without eliminating through the body or remains with being the less potent inside the body for several years. All the signs and symptoms of Dushi Visha don't stand out. They appear so common that they are easily neglected by even the most intelligent doctors. Such accumulated Visha then vitiates Dosha and that leads to vitiation of different kinds of Dhatus. Here an attempt is made to understand the relation between the various hormones in poultry feed that can be correlated to Dushi Visha and its hazardous effect on female reproductive health.

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