
This study was conducted to provide basis information of the 25 local specific wood species indigenous from Java treated by copper bichromated boron (CCB). The full-cell process for 2 hours and 150 psi during the pressure-keeping period was employed. The IUFRO method was applied for the determination of wood treatability class. The treated and untreated wood specimens were tied together using plastic cord, arranged into a raft like assembly, and then exposed for 3, 6, and 12 months to the brackish water situated at Rambut Island’s coastal area. The Nordic Wood Preservation Council (NWPC) standard No. was used to determine the intensity of marine borer infestation. The results revealed that 19 out of those 25 species were classified as easy to be preser ved, four species as moderate, and the remaining two were difficult to be preser ved. Those 19 species, i.e. T amarin d u s indica L., D i plodiscus sp., F icu s variegate R .Br., Ehretia acuminata R .Br., M e li oco p e l u n u -a nk e n d a (Gaertn) T.G. Hartley, C o l o n a javanica B.L., P ou teria d u c l i t a n Bachni., S tercularia oblongata R .Br., F icu s vasculosa Wall ex Miq., C a l l o p h y ll u m g r an d i florum JJS., T u r pi n i a sphaerocarpa Hassk., N e o l i tse a triplinervia Merr., A c e r niveum Bl., Sl oa ne a sigun Szysz., Castanopsis acuminatissima A.DC . , C i nnamomum iners Reinw. Ex Blume., L it s e a angulata Bl., F icu s nervosa Heyne., and H or sfi eldia glabra Warb . were more permeable implying that the CCB retention and penetration were greater and deeper. H y m e n e a e ca r b o r i l . L., L i t s e a od o r i f e r a Val., G i ronniera s u b a squ a li s Planch., and L ind e r a p o l y a n t h a Boerl. were moderately permeable. Castanopsis tunggurut A.DC . and A z a d i r a ch ta indica Juss. were the least permeable judging that the CCB retention and penetration were lowest and shallowest. The treated wood specimens in this regard were able to prevent marine borers attack. Meanwhile, the untreated specimens were susceptible to marine borers attack, except A z a d i r a ch t a indica . The attacking borers consecutively are M a r t e s i a s t r i a t a Linne that belongs to the Pholadidae family ; and T e r e d o b ar t s c h i Clapp., D i c ya thifer manni Wright., and B a n k i a cieba Clench. to the Terdinidae family.

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