
ABSTRACT. The aim of this article is to identify durability principles in relation to sustainable development, eco-development and forms of natural valuable areas. Sustainable accepts sensitive and strong durability principle, however, it does not accept a weak durability principle and restrictive principle. Eco-development does not accept a weak and sensitive durability principle, does not partly accept strong principle, but it accepts restrictive principle. Only one durability principle does not refer to any form of natural valuable areas, it is a weak principle.JEL Classification : Q26, Q01, Q29Keywords: natural valuable areas, sustainable development, ecodevelopmentIntroductionOne should distinguish a term eco-development from a term sustainable development. Eco-development term is narrower than a term - sustainable development, because in a term eco-development we usually focus on environmental and natural context of social development, in the second plan we take into account such issues like: economic and widely understood social development, and - in case of conflict among these spheres - one accepts the primacy of ecological demands in comparison with economic or social demands (Compare: Wskazniki ekorozwoju (Eco-development indicators), 1999, section 3; Zablocki, 2002; Czaja, Fiedor et al, 2002, section. 8).For Stefana Kozlowski eco-development means, development based on ecological criteria, in other words the one, which is accomplished in accordance with natural conditions, or creating socio-economic without destruction of natural resources (Kozlowski, 2000, p. 83). A term sustainable itself, can be found in Environmental Protection Act (Journal of Environmental Law, 2008). In Article 3, Section 5 there is the following record: it is understood that such a socio-economic development, where the integration process of political, economic and social action take place, at the same time retaining natural balance and durability of fundamental natural processes, in order to guarantee a possibility to satisfy basic needs of particular societies or citizens for contemporary as well as future generations.At first this idea was called an organic growth, using the influence of ecology and nature studies.In the second report for Rome Club Mankind in a turning point, it was written: ... this pattern of sustainable and non-sustainable constitutes a crucial source of most urgent problems facing mankind, a leading way to their solution, is a way of organic growth (Mesarovic, Pestel, 1977, p. 40).The essence of sustainable lies in finding a proper balance (proportion) among economy, society, space or nature. An attitude towards sustainable according to a principle criterion lies in the choice of the durability level. A durability level defines pressure on environment protection and strength in approaching to retaining natural capital, taking into account economy and society's needs in a contemporary generation (Jezowski, 2009, p. 28).In the early period, when the concept of sustainable appeared, more often the notion of eco-development was used, which strongly emphasized ecological dimension of processes. First definitions appeared at the turn of 1980s and 1990s.Durability idea refers well to the forms of natural valuable areas, including (look further Zielinska, 2010, pp. 211-220):* national parks and nature reserves, landscape parks, the areas of protected landscape and Natura 2000 areas;* the forms of individual protection including: natural feature of historic importance, documentary positions, ecological arable lands, nature-landscape complexes;* the forms of the species protection of plants, animals and mushrooms (in situ, ex situ);* botanical gardens, zoological gardens and rehabilitation centres for animals;* greenery and tree-covered areas;* and additionally beyond legal protection. …

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