
Cloud data storage has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its scalability and accessibility. However, the efficient management of data in the cloud, especially with the ever-increasing volume of data, remains a significant challenge. Data deduplication is a crucial technique to reduce storage costs and enhance data management efficiency. It also concerns the secure cloud data storage and sharing. Here implement a novel approach to de duplication-based cloud data storage using chunk-based partitioning. In this approach, data is divided into fixed-size chunks, and a deduplication mechanism is applied to identify and eliminate redundant chunks. The process of duplicate detection leading to improved storage efficiency and reduced data redundancy. It not only conserves storage space but also enhances data retrieval performance by reducing the volume of data to be transferred over the network. Proposed system also enhance the security of cloud data storage by employing Base64 encoding for data representation and implementing re-encryption techniques based on the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for secure data sharing. The Base64 encoding methodology is employed to transform binary data into a text format, rendering it less susceptible to unintended manipulations during data transmission and storage. This encoding mechanism ensures data integrity and facilitates its secure storage in cloud environments. By utilizing AES encryption, data shared among users is re-encrypted with unique keys, ensuring that only authorized recipients can access and decrypt the shared information. The proposed approach significantly enhances data confidentiality and mitigates risks associated with unauthorized access, there by fortifying the security of cloud-based data sharing.

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