
Duplex ultrasound assessment of veins in the popliteal fossa is an accepted alternative to venography. Light reflection rheography provides additional quantitative information on venous reflux in chronic venous insufficiency. To use duplex ultrasound and light reflection rheography to study the venous reflux patterns in the popliteal fossa in a group of patients. Duplex ultrasound examination and light reflection rheography were used in the assessment of the severity of short saphenous vein incompetence. The study revealed that any associated deep venous reflux which was detectable beyond the saphenopopliteal junction represented a more advanced stage of superficial venous insufficiency. Light reflection rheography, as a semiquantitative test, provided useful additional information to duplex scan findings in assessing venous reflux of the popliteal fossa. Short saphenous vein reflux with functional deep venous incompetence was associated with shorter venous refilling times and clinically represented a more advanced stage of primary varicose vein disease.

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