
Foraging innovations in animals involving the processing of resources that are already edible in an unprocessed state, yet of improved quality in a processed state, are rare but important to study the evolution of food preparation. Here, we present the first scientific report of food dunking behaviours in parrots by Goffin's cockatoos, a model species for innovative problem solving. Observations during lunch showed seven out of 18 cockatoos placing their food into water and soaking it prior to consumption. This was largely done with dry rusk which was eaten almost exclusively when dunked. Furthermore, their transport effort and waiting times before retrieving food from the water indicate their willingness to invest considerable time to prepare a soaked rusk piece of a higher texture quality. Our present results suggest that the function of this behaviour is to soak the food. Because only some individuals dunked food and dunking has not been observed in the wild, we believe this to be a spontaneous foraging innovation either by one or multiple individuals.

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