
<em>The implementation of organic rice farming requires farmers who have different behaviors from the knowledge, attitudes and skills of farming that has been built up so far. The purpose of this research was to analyze the agriculture extension support, analyze the external support, and analyze the factors that influence adoption of innovation and the sustainability of organic rice farming. Research locations in Bondowoso District and Banyuwangi District, East Java Province. The sample of this study amounted to 224 respondents from 670 populations of organic rice farmers. The research method used surveys to get quantitative data and deepened with qualitative data. Analysis techniques with descriptive analysis and Structural Equition Model. The results showed that agricultural extension support in the low category. The indicators of extension subject, capability of extension advisor and intensity of agricultural extension in the high category. The indicator of variable external support such as policy support, farmers group support, and information access in th high category. The level of implementation organic rice farming in the indicators of economy, social, and environment aspect was in the high category. The factor that influence the adoption of innovation was agricultural extension support. The factors that influence the implementation of sustainability of organic rice farming systems were (1) innovation adoption, (2) agricultural extension support, and (3) external support.</em>


  • The implementation of organic rice farming requires farmers have the knowledge, attitudes and skills of farming that different from conventional farming

  • The results showed that agricultural extension methods in the low category

  • The factor that influence the adoption of innovation was agricultural extension support

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Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan rancangan

72 | Gunawan dkk., Adopsi Inovasi dan Keberlanjutan Usaha Pertanian Padi Organik metode survei. Variabel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari dukungan penyuluhan (X1) yang terdiri atas metode penyuluhan, materi penyuluhan, kompetensi penyuluh, dan intensitas penyuluhan. Statistik deskriptif digunakan untuk menggambarkan sebaran responden pada setiap peubah penelitian, yang meliputi dukungan penyuluhan, dukungan lingkungan eksternal, tingkat adopsi inovasi dan tingkat keberlanjutan sistem pertanian padi organik. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Tingkat Dukungan Penyuluhan Dukungan penyuluhan merupakan kegiatan pembelajaran tentang pertanian padi organik bagi para petani yang dilakukan oleh penyuluh. Materi penyuluhan dalam kategori tinggi (Tabel 1), artinya materi penyuluhan yang disampaikan penyuluh kepada petani cukup sesuai dengan kebutuhan petani organik. Hal ini berarti penyuluh mampu menyampaikan materi dengan baik, mampu memberi motivasi kepada petani untuk menerapkan inovasi pertanian padi organik, mampu menggunakan maupun. Petani menilai dukungan kebijakan oleh pemerintah daerah terkait dengan pertanian padi organik sudah baik (Tabel 2). Tabel 1 Sebaran Petani Padi Organik Menurut Tingkat Dukungan Penyuluhan di Jawa Timur

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Lingkungan Eksternal
Adopsi Inovasi
Tingkat Keberlanjutan
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