
In many birds, individuals 'answer' the songs of their pair-mates to produce vocal 'duets'. One hypothesized function of song answering is that it prevents extra-pair birds from intruding into the duetting pair's territory to obtain copulations or usurp one of the pair-mates. In this capacity, answering may signal that the pair-mates are close together, and so are prepared to defend against such an intrusion. Another functional hypothesis states that answering helps pair-mates maintain contact, and so predicts that a bird is more likely to approach its mate after a duet than after a solo song. I used radio-telemetry to monitor the distance between mated black-bellied wrens (Pheugopedius fasciatoventris). I found that birds of both sexes were more likely to answer their mate's song when the mate was close, and that maximum duet length was negatively related to the distance between pair-mates. Furthermore, song answering positively affected the likelihood of one pair-mate approaching the other after a song. In a significant majority of the approaches after duet songs, the answering bird approached the initiator. I conclude that in the black-bellied wren, (i) the occurrence and duration of vocal duets covary with physical closeness and (ii) contact maintenance is a secondary function of duet participation.

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