
Anonymization of graph-based data is a problem which has been widely studied over the last years, and several anonymization methods have been developed. Information loss measures have been used to evaluate data utility and information loss in the anonymized graphs. However, there is no consensus about how to evaluate data utility and information loss in privacy-preserving and anonymization scenarios, where the anonymous datasets were perturbed to hinder re-identification processes. Authors use diverse metrics to evaluate data utility and, consequently, it is complex to compare different methods or algorithms in the literature. In this paper, we propose a framework to evaluate and compare anonymous datasets in a common way, providing an objective score to clearly compare methods and algorithms. Our framework includes metrics based on generic information loss measures, such as average distance or betweenness centrality and also task-specific information loss measures, such as community detection or information flow. Additionally, we provide some metrics to examine re-identification and risk assessment. We demonstrate that our framework could help researchers and practitioners to select the best parametrization and/or algorithm to reduce information loss and maximize data utility.

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