
Abstract The textures of foliated granitic cataclasites found along the Iida-Matsukawa fault, Nagano Prefecture, central Japan, are examined at mesoscopic and microscopic scale. The foliated cataclasites are mainly characterized by preferred orientation of biotite clasts and grain aggregations of quartz and feldspar porphyroclasts. Unlike cataclastically-fractured quartz and feldspar in the foliated cataclasite, biotite shows some fabric characters of ductile deformation like those observed in mylonites, such as cleavage-step, mica “fish”, elongated grain shapes and kink bands. These fabric variations between the biotite, quartz and feldspar suggest that there are marked differences in their relative deformational behavior, that the former mainly ductiley deformed, and the latter two mainly by brittle processes. It is estimated that the foliated granitic cataclasite formed at temperatures between 150C and 250°C, corresponding to depths of 5–8 km.

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