
We study $T^2$ compactification of massive type IIA supergravity in presence of possible Ramond-Ramond (RR) background fluxes. The resulting theory in D=8 is shown to possess full $SL(2,R)\times SL(2,R)$ T-duality symmetry similar to the massless case. It is shown that elements of duality symmetry interpolate between massive type IIA compactified on $T^2$ and ordinary type IIA compactified on $T^2$ with RR 2-form flux. We also discuss relationship between M-theory vacua and massive type IIA vacua. The D8-brane is found to correspond to M-theory `pure gravity' solution which is a direct product of 7-dimensional Minkowski space and a 4-dimensional instanton. We also construct D6-D8 bound state which preserves 1/2 supersymmetries. We then discuss massive IIA compactification on $T^4$ and point out that when all possible RR fluxes on $T^4$ are turned on the six-dimensional theory appears to assume a nice SO(4,4) invariant form.

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