
We investigate duality properties of N-form fields, provide a symmetric way of coupling them to electric/magnetic sources, and check that these charges obey the appropriate quantization requirements. First, we contrast the D = 4 k case, in which duality is a well-defined SO(2) rotation generated by a Chern-Simons form leaving the action invariant, and D = 4 k + 2 where the corresponding ostensibly SO(1, 1) rotation is not only not an invariance but does not even have a generator. When charged sources are included we show explicitly in the Maxwell case how the usual Dirac quantization arises in a fully symmetric approach attaching strings to both types of changes. Finally, for D = 4 k + 2 systems, we show how charges can be introduced for self-dual (2 k)-forms, and obtain the D = 4 k models with sources by dimensional reduction, tracing their duality invariance to a partial invariance in the higher dimensions.

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