
Non-Hermiticity is expected to add far more physical features to the already rich Floquet topological phases of matter. Nevertheless, a systematic approach to characterize non-Hermitian Floquet topological matter is still lacking. In this work we introduce a dual scheme to characterize the topology of non-Hermitian Floquet systems in momentum space and in real space, using a piecewise quenched nonreciprocal Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model for our case studies. Under the periodic boundary condition, topological phases are characterized by a pair of experimentally accessible winding numbers that make jumps between integers and half-integers. Under the open boundary condition, a Floquet version of the so-called open boundary winding number is found to be integers and can predict the number of pairs of zero and $\pi$ Floquet edge modes coexisting with the non-Hermitian skin effect. Our results indicate that a dual characterization of non-Hermitian Floquet topological matter is necessary and also feasible because the formidable task of constructing the celebrated generalized Brillouin zone for non-Hermitian Floquet systems with multiple hopping length scales can be avoided. This work hence paves a way for further studies of non-Hermitian physics in non-equilibrium systems.

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