
Dual-task walking is a common activity in everyday life. The dual-task paradigm is a procedure in experimental psychology that involves examining the performance of two tasks separately and simultaneously, allowing researchers to determine the extent to which different mental abilities compete for information-processing resources in the brain. This information can help identify whether tasks interfere with each other. This study aimed to analyse publications, gather knowledge on gait with an additional task, and determine the impact of dual-task conditions on gait parameters among the elderly. In October 2022, we conducted a comprehensive review of available literature in databases such as Pubmed, Cochrane, and Google Scholar, as well as research carried out at the Central Laboratory of Motion Analysis of the University of Physical Education in Krakow. We identified 11 publications on dual-task gait in the elderly, focusing exclusively on healthy individuals. Studies on the effects of training on dual-task gait were not included in our analysis. Research conducted to date in older adults has shown that dual-task conditions have a negative effect on gait speed, step frequency, gait cycle time, and gait variability indices, among other parameters.

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