
Introduction: Palmaris longus originates from medial epicondyle and attaches to palmar aponeurosis. This muscle is largely used for tendon transfers by surgeons so understanding of its variations is necessary anatomists and clinicians. Case Report: This report discusses a case of variation in origin of palmaris longus muscles in both extremities of a male cadaver seen in routine anatomy dissection in Department of Anatomy. Discussion and Conclusion: Palmaris longus is one of the most variable muscles in the human body. The most common variation is agenesis and the total percentage of all other variations is about 9%. Previous studies specified that palmaris longus may begin from antebrachial fascia, biceps brachii, flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris or flexor digitorum superficialis. In our cadaver in both upper extremities palmaris longus started from antebrachial fascia. To prevent unwanted mistakes in surgical procedures and solve unsual clinical symptoms, a clinician must remember variations..

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