
The T4D bacteriophage gene 28 product is a component of the central plug of the tail baseplate, as shown by the following two independent lines of evidence. (i) A highly sensitive method for radioactive labeling of only tail baseplate plug components was developed. These labeled plug components were incorporated by a complementation procedure into new phage particles and were analyzed by radioautography after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Three new structural proteins were found in addition to the three known tail plug proteins (i.e., gP29, gP27, and gP5). One of the three newly identified components had a molecular weight of 24,000 to 25,000 and appeared to be a product of T4D gene 28. (ii) Characterization of mutants of Escherichia coli bacteriophage T4D which produced altered gene 28 products also indicated that the gene 28 product was a viral tail component. T4D 28(ts) phage particles produced at the permissive temperature had altered heat labilities compared with parent T4D particles. We isolated a single-step temperature revertant of T4D 28(ts) and found that it produced phage particles which phenotypically resembled the original T4D particles. Since the properties of the phage baseplate components usually determine heat lability, these two changes in physical stability after two sequential single mutations in gene 28 supported the other evidence that the gene 28 product was a viral baseplate component. Also, compared with parent T4D particles, T4D 28(ts) and T4D 28am viral particles adsorbed at different rates to various types of host cells. In addition, T4D 28(ts) particles exhibited a different host range than parent T4D particles. This T4D mutant formed plaques with an extremely low efficiency on all E. coli K-12 strains tested. We found that although T4D 28(ts) particles adsorbed rapidly and irreversibly to the E. coli K-12 strains, as judged by gene rescue experiments, these particles were not able to inject their DNA into the E. coli K-12 strains. On the other hand, the T4D 28(ts) revertant had a plating efficiency on E. coli K-12 strains that was quite similar to the plating efficiency of the original parent, T4D. These properties of phage particles containing an altered gene 28 product supported the analytical finding that the gene 28 product is a structural component of the central plug of the T4D tail baseplate. They also indicated that this component plays a role in both host cell recognition and viral DNA injection.

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