
The dual form of education is a critical component of integrating young people into the modern labor market, as it helps reduce the unemployment rate and ensures the training of highly qualified specialists. The main goal of implementing elements of a dual form of education in Ukraine is to eliminate the main shortcomings of traditional forms and methods of training future qualified specialists, namely, to overcome the gap between theory and practice, education, and production, and to promote the improvement of the quality of personnel training, considering the requirements of employers by the demand of the modern labor market. Therefore, the opportunity to simultaneously acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical experience at real workplaces gives higher education graduates a competitive advantage in the labor market. The article aims to study modern trends in the implementation of dual education as a basis for integrating students into the modern labor market. According to official data, over the past few years, there has been a steady trend towards an increase in the number of unemployed youths, which is due to both unresolved youth employment problems and the spread of passive, unregulated, destructive behavior patterns of the young generation in the conditions of the modern domestic labor market, which, unfortunately, is negative signs of its functioning. Post-war recovery and development of all spheres of the domestic economy requires. It was determined that the use of the potential of various forms of higher education, among which the dual form of education occupies an important place. In the forced conditions of distance learning, it is challenging to establish practical training for higher education students and quality control over their acquisition of the necessary competencies. Therefore, the use of the means of organizing dual education will contribute to acquiring the necessary professional knowledge and professional competencies that meet the requirements of employers and the labor market. Attracting qualified specialists to work is a strategic investment in the social socio-economic development of the state. Keywords: dual form of acquiring professional competences, educational process, higher education, competence approach, participants in the educational process, university stakeholders.

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