
In 2007 Sami Assaf introduced dual equivalence graphs as a method for demonstrating that a quasisymmetric function is Schur positive. The method involves the creation of a graph whose vertices are weighted by Ira Gessel's fundamental quasisymmetric functions so that the sum of the weights of a connected component is a single Schur function. In this paper, we improve on Assaf's axiomatization of such graphs, giving locally testable criteria that are more easily verified by computers. We further advance the theory of dual equivalence graphs by describing a broader class of graphs that correspond to an explicit Schur expansion in terms of Yamanouchi words. Along the way, we demonstrate several symmetries in the structure of dual equivalence graphs. We then apply these techniques to give explicit Schur expansions for a family of Lascoux-Leclerc-Thibon polynomials. This family properly contains the previously known case of polynomials indexed by two skew shapes, as was described in a 1995 paper by Christophe Carr\'e and Bernard Leclerc. As an immediate corollary, we gain an explicit Schur expansion for a family of modified Macdonald polynomials in terms of Yamanouchi words. This family includes all polynomials indexed by shapes with at most three cells in the first row and at most two cells in the second row, providing an extension to the combinatorial description of the two column case described in 2005 by James Haglund, Mark Haiman, and Nick Loehr.

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