
An iterative Noether scheme, advocated by Deser, is used to introduce gauge invariant couplings to nonrelativistic matter with global symmetries related to usual charge conservation and dipole conservation recently discussed in fractonic theories. No reference to any gauge principle, fractonic or otherwise, is required. A dual description is found where the theory is defined either in terms of the usual vector gauge field or, alternatively, in terms of higher derivatives of a symmetric tensor field given in fractonic theories. A connection between these two descriptions is obtained by providing an explicit map between the vector and tensor fields. This method yields a novel ‘minimal’ prescription involving tensor fields which is identified with the usual minimal prescription that involves vector fields, by using the mapping. It also spells out the structure of the pure gauge field action in both formulations. Extension of the abelian U(1) invariance to the nonabelian SU(N) invariance is done for the standard formulation.

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