
Partial domain adaptation (PDA) aims to transfer knowledge from a label-rich source domain to a label-scarce target domain based on an assumption that the source label space subsumes the target label space. The major challenge is to promote positive transfer in the shared label space and circumvent negative transfer caused by the large mismatch across different label spaces. In this article, we propose a dual alignment approach for PDA (DAPDA), including three components: 1) a feature extractor extracts source and target features by the Siamese network; 2) a reweighting network produces "hard" labels, class-level weights for source features and "soft" labels, instance-level weights for target features; 3) a dual alignment network aligns intra domain and interdomain distributions. Specifically, the intra domain alignment aims to minimize the intraclass variances to enhance the intraclass compactness in both domains, and interdomain alignment attempts to reduce the discrepancies across domains by domain-wise and class-wise adaptations. The negative transfer can be alleviated by down-weighting source features with nonshared labels. The positive transfer can be enhanced by upweighting source features with shared labels. The adaptation can be achieved by minimizing the discrepancies based on class-weighted source data with hard labels and instance-weighed target data with soft labels. The effectiveness of our method has been demonstrated by outperforming state-of-the-art PDA methods on several benchmark datasets.

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