
MRI scanner and sequence imperfections and advances in reconstruction and imaging techniques to increase motion robustness can lead to inter-slice intensity variations in Echo Planar Imaging. Leveraging deep convolutional neural networks as universal image filters, we present a data-driven method for the correction of acquisition artefacts that manifest as inter-slice inconsistencies, regardless of their origin. This technique can be applied to motion- and dropout-artefacted data by embedding it in a reconstruction pipeline. The network is trained in the absence of ground-truth data on, and finally applied to, the reconstructed multi-shell high angular resolution diffusion imaging signal to produce a corrective slice intensity modulation field. This correction can be performed in either motion-corrected or scattered source-space. We focus on gaining control over the learned filter and the image data consistency via built-in spatial frequency and intensity constraints. The end product is a corrected image reconstructed from the original raw data, modulated by a multiplicative field that can be inspected and verified to match the expected features of the artefact. In-plane, the correction approximately preserves the contrast of the diffusion signal and throughout the image series, it reduces inter-slice inconsistencies within and across subjects without biasing the data. We apply our pipeline to enhance the super-resolution reconstruction of neonatal multi-shell high angular resolution data as acquired in the developing Human Connectome Project.


  • Diffusion MRI provides unique information about the microstructural properties of brain tissue by sensitisation to the motion of water molecules on the order of micrometers via strong gradient amplitudes

  • An inplane reduction in high-frequency spherical harmonics (SH) power can be attributed to smoothly varying intensity modulations of individual Diffusion MRI (dMRI) volumes and is likely caused by a reduction of angular variance due to the removal of stripe artefacts

  • We presented a data-driven method for the removal of stripe artefacts from dMRI data. dStripe reduces stripe artefacts from the shell-average and the angular signal components, and decreasing DTI and multi-tissue constrained spherical deconvolution (MT CSD) fit residuals across shells

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Diffusion MRI (dMRI) provides unique information about the microstructural properties of brain tissue by sensitisation to the motion of water molecules on the order of micrometers via strong gradient amplitudes. This poses a major challenge for in-vivo imaging where bulk subject motion or flow can cause severe phase errors. In single-shot echo planar imaging (EPI) (Mansfield, 1977; Wu and Miller, 2017), the k-space data of a 2D image can be encoded within typically 100 ms after a single excitation which effectively freezes motion. In EPI, interactions with previous pulses (spin-history effects) and interference across slices (stimulated echo artefacts (Burstein, 1996; Crawley and Henkelman, 1987)), variations in slice timing, imperfect signal unmixing in simultaneous multislice (SMS) imaging, and scanner hardware limitations can all lead to inter-slice inconsistencies.

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