
Double strand break (DSB) repair mainly occurs through 3 pathways: non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ), alternative end-joining (Alt-EJ), and homologous recombination (HR). We present an assay system that enables simultaneous measurement of all three pathways using Cas9-generated DSBs and next generation sequencing to profile and quantify pathway choice. The assay system has provided several insights. First, absence of the key Alt-EJ factor Pol q only abrogates ~50% of total Alt-EJ. Second, single-strand templated repair (SSTR) requires BRCA1 and MRE11 activity, but not BRCA2, establishing that SSTR commonly used in genome editing is not conventional HR. Third, BRCA1 promotes Alt-EJ usage at two-ended DSBs in contrast to BRCA2. These fundamental differences between BRCA1 and BRCA2 deficiency have implications for therapeutic targeting of HR-deficient cancers. This assay can be used in any system which permits Cas9 delivery and, importantly, allows rapid genotype-to-phenotype correlation in isogenic cell line pairs.

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