
Xerostomia, commonly known as dry mouth, presents a significant challenge for individuals wearing complete dentures, affecting their oral health and quality of life. This review explores the relationship between saliva and complete dentures, highlighting the varied management strategies for xerostomia. Saliva plays a critical role in denture retention, lubrication, and oral environment buffering. Complete denture wearers often experience reduced salivary flow, aggravating symptoms of xerostomia.Various management approaches are discussed, including general measures such as hydration and salivary stimulation techniques which aim to boost saliva production naturally. The use of salivary substitutes provides artificial lubrication and moisture to alleviate dry mouth discomfort. Oral lubricating devices, such as sprays, gels, and lozenges, offer relief by mimicking saliva's lubricating properties, thereby improving denture stability and comfort.This review addresses the etiology of xerostomia in complete denture wearers and explores preventive measures to reduce its impact. A comprehensive approach has been discussed for the management of xerostomia which will help to improve the oral health and well-being of complete denture wearers experiencing dry mouth.

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