
Introduction Eating disorders (ED) are common, severe and prevalent in young women. They share common clinical, neurobiological and psychopathological processes with other addictive behaviors. Binge drinking is also a growing behavior among young people, creating major risks. In parallel to these existing disorders, we have seen the arrival of new clinical phenomenon called “drunkorexia”, which is of interest in the idea of a single concept of addictions [1] , [2] . Method Through a clinical case and a literature review, we aimed to discuss and illustrate this new entity. The databases used are PubMed, Google Scholar and ScienceDirect. Case presentation A 15-year-old woman joined student parties and began weekly binge drinking behaviors. Confronted to the possibility of gaining weight as a result of these massive alcohol consumptions, she decided to restrict her diet before binge drinking episodes, expressing two ideas: “not gaining weight by compensating for the caloric intakes of alcohol” and “reaching a more important and faster alcoholization by fasting”. She developed several years later an anorexia nervosa with purging behaviors and a severe alcohol use disorder. Conclusion This case illustrates this new diagnostic entity, an emerging phenomenon among young adolescents which leads us to several thoughts in terms of clinic, care and prevention. It also asks the question of a possible common risk factor for developing an eating disorder or a substance use disorder.

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