
Conservative management of peptic ulcer relies on the use of drugs as an adjuvant to the time-honored measures of avoiding stress, reducing gastric secretion, and regulating the diet. Alkalies neutralize acid and anticholinergic drugs partly inhibit secretion.. Both are widely used but are often inadequate to control symptoms. Carbenoxolone appears to have a more specific effect in promoting healing of gastric ulcers and has now been used for 15 years. Its role in the treatment of gastric ulcer can be critrically examined, particularly in relation to how this influences surgical management. Recently introduced compounds know as histamine H2-receptor antagonists have a profound effect in inhibiting gastric secretion. Early experience in patients with duodenal ulcer indicated the efficacy of these compounds in promoting healing. These potent new drugs are likely to influence strongly the management of patients with duodenal ulcer, and this may affect the indications for surgery.

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