
Combining antiviral regimens in the hepatitis C virus (HCV)/human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-coinfected population can be complex as they share overlapping mechanisms for elimination that may result in drug interactions. The pharmacokinetics, safety, and tolerability of sofosbuvir/velpatasvir (SOF/VEL) with multiple antiretroviral (ARV) regimens were evaluated. Healthy volunteers were enrolled into 2 phase 1, open-label, randomized, multiple-dose, cross-over studies. SOF/VEL and ARV regimens were administered alone and in combination; ARVs (and pharmacokinetic enhancers) included atazanavir (ATV), cobicistat (COBI), darunavir (DRV), dolutegravir (DTG), efavirenz (EFV), elvitegravir (EVG), emtricitabine (FTC), lopinavir (LPV), raltegravir (RAL), rilpivirine (RPV), ritonavir (RTV), tenofovir alafenamide (TAF), and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF). Geometric least squares means ratios (coadministration:alone) and 90% confidence intervals were constructed for area under the plasma concentration-time curve over the dosing interval, maximum concentration, and trough, for all analytes. Safety and tolerability were also evaluated. In total, 237 participants were enrolled. No clinically relevant differences in the pharmacokinetics (PK) of SOF, SOF metabolite GS-331007, or VEL were observed other than an approximate 50% decrease in VEL exposure when administered with EFV/FTC/TDF. No clinically relevant differences in the PK of ARVs were observed when administered with SOF/VEL. Study treatments were well tolerated, including no observed creatinine clearance changes during evaluation of TDF-containing regimens. SOF/VEL and ARV regimens including ATV, COBI, DRV, DTG, EVG, FTC, LPV, RAL, RPV, RTV, TAF, or TDF may be coadministered without dose adjustment. Use of SOF/VEL with EFV-containing regimens is not recommended due to an approximate 50% reduction in VEL exposure.

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