
Background: Hypertension is a major non-communicable disease and a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. The antihypertensive drugs used for its management constitute a significant portion of the medicines prescribed in a health care centre. The aim of our study was to analyse the utilization pattern of anti-hypertensive drugs at a tertiary care hospital in accordance with the WHO prescription indicators. Methods: A prospective cross sectional observational study was carried out in the outpatient of general medicine department of Osmania General Hospital. The prescriptions of the hypertensive patients visiting the outpatient were monitored. From the data collected, the prescription pattern of antihypertensive drugs, and WHO prescription indicators, were analysed. Results: Out of the 301study subjects, 134 (44.51%) were males and 167 (55.48%) were females, with the maximum number of patients (197) falling in the age group 51-70 years. Among the antihypertensive drugs prescribed, Amlodipine was most frequently prescribed (53.15%). The frequently used drugs for monotherapy - amlodipine (26.91%) and for two drug therapy - amlodipine+enalapril (17.27%), and for three drug therapy - atenolol+enalapril+nifedipine (2.32%). The WHO prescribing indicators as analyzed from the data collected are; Average number of drugs prescribed per encounter - 5.64/prescription, Percentage of medicines prescribed by generic name - 89.22%, Percentage of medicines prescribed from essential drug list -90.17% . Conclusions: The study provides an insight into antihypertensive drug usage pattern in tertiary care hospital and their rational use. The study emphasizes the need for preventive measures and effective educative measures in the population about hypertension.

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